This section guides you through adding a custom component to Yao. You can use it in your application to create custom interfaces and widgets.
## Step 1: Clone the XGEN Repository
To add a custom component, you need to clone the XGEN repository to your local machine. XGEN is the default interface engine for building admin panels in Yao.
# Clone the XGEN repository
git clone /your/directory/xgen
## Step 2: Run the XGEN development
You need start the yao http server, it's the backend server for the xgen development server.
cd /path/to/your/project
yao start
Then you can start the xgen development server.
cd /your/directory/xgen
pnpm install
pnpm dev
Through the xgen dev server to visit admin panel.
## Step 3: Create a New Component
Reference the Input component code to implement your own component. Place the component in the `packages/xgen/components/edit` folder.
š [packages/xgen/components/edit/Input](
// packages/xgen/components/edit/YourComponent/index.tsx
import { Input } from "antd";
import { Item } from "@/components";
import { getLocale } from "@umijs/max";
import type { InputProps } from "antd";
import type { Component } from "@/types";
interface IProps extends InputProps, Component.PropsEditComponent {}
const Index = (props: IProps) => {
const { __bind, __name, itemProps, ...rest_props } = props;
const is_cn = getLocale() === "zh-CN";
return (
export default window.$app.memo(Index);
## Step 4: Use the Component
// ...
"edit": {
"type": "YourComponent",
"props": {
// ...
// ...
## Step 5: Build the Component Library
To build the component library, you need to run the following command:
cd /your/directory/xgen
pnpm build
After building the component library, place the compiled files in the `public` directory, or host them on a CDN.