Yao is a standalone executable with no dependencies on packages or toolchains. Simply download and run it to begin building your application. You only need one installation per machine or server.
Run the following command to install Yao on your machine or server.
curl -fsSL https://yaoapps.com/install.sh | bash
To install Yao on Windows, you need to have WSL2 installed. If you don't have WSL2 installed, you can follow the official guide.
powershell -c "irm yaoapps.com/install.ps1 | iex"
Yao provides production and development Docker images that support x64 and arm64 architectures.
The development image includes additional tools and libraries for development and is based on Ubuntu 22.04, while the production image is smaller and based on Alpine 3.14.
Download the latest production image:
docker pull yaoapp/yao:latest
# or specify the version
docker pull yaoapp/yao:0.10.4-rc.1
Download the latest development image:
docker pull yaoapp/yao:latest-dev
# or specify the version
docker pull yaoapp/yao:0.10.4-rc.1-dev
After installing Yao, you can check the version by running the following command:
yao version --all
If an error occurs, please verify that the yao command is in your systemโs PATH.
If itโs not found, you may need to add the directory containing the yao executable to your PATH and ensure it has execute permissions.
Yao is under active development, and you can download the latest development version to try out new features and improvements.
For Windows, you can download the Linux version and run it in WSL2.
๐ https://github.com/YaoApp/yao/actions/workflows/build-linux.yml
On the above page, select the latest build, download and unzip it, then choose the artifact file for your CPU architecture. Supported architectures are x64 and arm64.
๐ https://github.com/YaoApp/yao/actions/workflows/build-macos.yml
On the above page, select the latest build, download and unzip it, then choose the artifact file for your CPU architecture. Supported architectures are Intel CPU and M1/M2/M3/M4 (arm64)