Here, you can find all the references for Yao. Each reference is a detailed guide on a specific topic. If you can't find what you are looking for, please let us know.
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## Table of Contents
| Reference | Description | Link |
| ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| **Yao Command** | A complete list of all commands available in the Yao CLI, along with their descriptions. | š [Yao Command](references/yao-command) |
| **Yao Process** | A detailed list of all Yao internal processes and their descriptions. | š [Yao Processes](references/yao-process) |
| **Yao Runtime** | A complete list of all Yao runtime APIs along with their descriptions. | š [Yao Runtime](references/yao-runtime) |
| **Yao DSL** | A complete list of all Yao Widget DSLs and their descriptions. | š [Yao DSL](references/yao-dsl) |
| **Query DSL** | A detailed list of all database Query DSLs with their descriptions. | š [Query DSL](references/query-dsl) |
| **UI Components** | A complete list of all UI components in Yao DSL with their descriptions. | š [UI Components](references/ui-components) |
| **Template Engine** | A detailed list of all template engine APIs with their descriptions. | š [Template Engine](references/template-engine) |