Starting from this section, we'll build a simple pet store application together, demonstrating how to use Yao effectively. You will learn how to:
- π **Create and manage data in your application.**
- βͺ Develop RESTful APIs to expose data. π [REST API](rest-api)
- βͺ Design web pages to display data. π [Web Page](web-page)
- βͺ Build an admin panel to help administrators of the pet store manage data. π [Admin Panel](admin-panel)
- βͺ Create backend commands for task scheduling. π [CLI](cli)
- βͺ Integrate AI for chatbots, image generation, and enhanced user input. π [AI Integration](ai-integration)
Ensure you have read the previous documentation, to understand the basic concepts of Yao.
π [Building Your Application](../building-your-application)
π [Switching to Yao](../getting-started/switching-to-yao)
## Overview
Data models are blueprints for defining the structure of your data and are the most important part of a Yao application.
In Yao, the Data Model is a widget that uses Model DSL to describe your data's structure, similar to a database schema. Understanding database structures and relationships will help you design your data model effectively.
The data will be stored in a database. By default, Yao uses SQLite as the database engine. You can change the database engine to MySQL or other databases by modifying the environment configuration. π **[App Configuration](app-configuration)**
For more details about Model DSL, see π **[DSL References](references/dsl)**
## Step 1: Plan Your Data Structure
Before creating a data model, you should plan the structure of your data. The best way is to let an AI chatbot assist you.
**Open an AI Chatbot and ask for help to generate data structure for your application.**
### π¬ Prompts for planning data structure
_This is an example of a conversation with an AI chatbot to plan the data structure for a pet store application. Change the prompts according to your requirements._
- I want to create a pet store application.
- The functionality includes adding, updating, and deleting pets, pet's categories and goods in the store.
- Help me design the data structure, Please provide me with a list of data tables and their fields.
- Reply to me with the table name, field name, and field type for each table.
- Table and field names should be in snake_case, Auto-increment fields should be named as `id`, wrapped in code blocks.
- For example:
Table: pet_categories
- category_name: VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
- description: TEXT
### π€ _Reply from AI Chatbot_
Table: pet_categories
- category_name: VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
- description: TEXT
Table: pets
- pet_name: VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
- category_id: INT NOT NULL
- age: INT
- breed: VARCHAR(255)
- description: TEXT
- FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES pet_categories(id)
Table: goods
- good_name: VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
- category_id: INT NOT NULL
- price: DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL
- stock_quantity: INT NOT NULL
- description: TEXT
- FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES pet_categories(id)
Table: transactions
- pet_id: INT
- good_id: INT
- transaction_date: DATETIME NOT NULL
- quantity: INT NOT NULL
- total_price: DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL
- FOREIGN KEY (pet_id) REFERENCES pets(id)
- FOREIGN KEY (good_id) REFERENCES goods(id)
pet_categories: This table stores the various categories of pets and goods available in the store.
pets: This table keeps track of the pets available in the store, including their name, age, breed, and category.
goods: This table records the goods available for purchase, including their name, price, stock quantity, and associated category.
transactions: This table logs transactions involving pets and goods, including the date, quantity, and total price.
## Step 2: Generate Model DSL
With your data structure planned, you can now generate the Model DSL for your application.
Send your data structure and one or more existing Model DSL examples to the chatbot, and ask for help in generating similar Model DSLs.
You can get the existing Model DSL examples from the Yao documentation or other public repositories. in this case, we will use the article model from the Yao website repository.
π [Article Model DSL](
### π¬ Prompts for Generating Model DSL
_This is an example of a conversation with an AI chatbot to generate Model DSL for a pet store application. Change the prompts according to your requirements._
Model DSL Samples:
[Model DSL Samples]
Structure Planned:
[Structure Planned (The response from the AI chatbot in the previous step)]
- According to the planned structure, I need help generating Model DSL for the pet store application.
- Please provide me the Model DSL like the example provided.
- Each Model DSL should be wrapped in a code block.
### π€ _Reply from AI Chatbot_
The AI chatbot will generate the Model DSL for each table based on the provided structure.
It looks like this:
// Model DSL for pet_categories
"name": "PetCategory",
"table": { "name": "pet_categories", "comment": "Pet Categories" },
"columns": [
{ "name": "id", "comment": "ID", "type": "ID", "label": "ID" },
"label": "Category Name",
"name": "category_name",
"comment": "Name of the pet category",
"type": "string",
"length": 255,
"nullable": false
"label": "Description",
"name": "description",
"comment": "Description of the pet category",
"type": "text",
"nullable": true
"option": { "timestamps": true }
// ....
**π Notes:**
You can improve the prompts and Generate Model DSL directly. In this example, steps are separated for better understanding.
**π¬ Prompts for Generating Model DSL Directly**
Following the next prompts, you can generate Model DSL directly.
Model DSL Samples:
[Model DSL Samples]
- I want to create a pet store application.
- The functionality includes adding, updating, and deleting pets, pet's categories and goods in the store.
- Help me design the data structure for the pet store application.
- According to the planned structure, I need help generating Model DSL for the pet store application.
- Please provide me the Model DSL like the example provided.
- Each Model DSL should be wrapped in a code block.
**πͺ Add More Promts**
Adding more prompts helps generate better Model DSLs. The more information you provide, the better the AI chatbot can understand your needs.
For example, describe your business to the AI chatbot, and it will generate more tailored Model DSLs for you.
You can also establish some coding standards to facilitate future development and maintenance work.
## Step 3: Save Model DSLs
_Before proceeding, ensure you've reviewed the previous documentation to understand the Yao application's directory structure and have created a Yao application using the Quick Start Guide._
π [Quickstart](../getting-started#quickstart)
π [Yao Application](../getting-started/switching-to-yao#yao-application)
### πΎ Save to Models Directory
After generating the Model DSLs, save only the **JSON partials** in the `models` directory of your Yao application. Ensure the file and directory names are in **lowercase** and have a `.mod.yao` extension. You can further organize them using subdirectories.
For example:
- Save the `pets` Model DSL as `models/pets.mod.yao`, with a widget ID of `pets`.
- Save the `pet_categories` Model DSL as `models/pet/categories.mod.yao`, with a widget ID of `pet.categories`.
The **Widget ID** is crucial for process references, replacing the `/` with a `.`. for example, `` or ``.
After saving, the models directory should look like this:
βββ models
βββ goods.mod.yao
βββ pet
βΒ Β βββ categories.mod.yao
βββ pets.mod.yao
βββ transactions.mod.yao
You can find them in the Demo Application repository. π [Demo Application](
**π Notes:**
For maintaining the Model DSLs, it recommended keeping the Model DSLs names consistent with the table names. This will help you easily identify the Model DSLs for each table.
The table name defined in the Model DSL. table names should be in **snake_case**, as should field names, and both must be all **lowercase**. This is a strict requirement in Yao to ensure cross-platform file system compatibility.
For example:
"name": "Pet Categories",
// The table name is the name of the table in the database
"table": { "name": "pet_categories", "comment": "Pet Categories" },
"columns": [{ "name": "id", "comment": "ID", "type": "ID", "label": "ID" }]
- the `pet_categories` table saved at `models/pet/categories.mod.yao` will have a widget ID of `pet.categories`.
- the `pets` table saved at `models/pets.mod.yao` will have a widget ID of `pets`.
## Step 4: Create Database Tables
Once you've saved the Model DSLs, you can create the database tables based on the Model DSLs using the `yao migrate` command.
### πΊ Yao Migrate Command
**Enter the project root directory** and run the `yao migrate` command. This will create the database tables based on the Model DSLs located in the `models` directory.
If you've already done this and need to reset the database, you can run `yao migrate` with the `--reset` flag.
`yao migrate` command is intended for development and testing environments only. If you need to use it in a production environment, you must include the `--force` flag to execute it. **This is a dangerous operation, so proceed with caution.**
You can switch between development and production modes by setting the `YAO_ENV` environment variable. For more details, refer to the π **[App configuration](app-configuration)**
# Enter the project root directory,
# If multiple projects in your machine, ensure you are in the correct project directory.
cd /path/to/your/project
# Migration all models at once
# Create database tables based on Model DSLs. if the tables already exist, it will be altered.
yao migrate
# Migration all models at once with the --reset flag
# Reset the database tables. This will drop the existing tables and recreate them.
yao migrate --reset
# Migration one model at a time
# Create database table based on the Model DSL of a specific model.
# The argument is the widget ID of the model. eg: pets, pet.categories
yao migrate --name pets
# Migration one model at a time with the --reset flag
# Reset the database table of a specific model.
# The argument is the widget ID of the model. eg: pets, pet.categories
yao migrate --name pets --reset
# For production environment, use the --force flag.
yao migrate --force
After running the `yao migrate` command, check the results in the terminal.
_AI can occasionally make mistakes, If there are any errors, report them to the AI chatbot for help, update the Model DSLs as needed, and repeat until successful._
The correct output should look like this:
Update schema model: goods (goods) SUCCESS
Update schema model: pet.categories (pet_categories) SUCCESS
Update schema model: pets (pets) SUCCESS
Update schema model: transactions (transactions) SUCCESS
### β
Check the Database Tables
In this case, the sqlite database file will be created in the `db` directory of your Yao application after successfully running.
If you want to use a different database engine, you can modify the environment configuration. π **[App configuration](app-configuration)**
You can use a database management tool to check the database tables, such as DB Browser for SQLite, DBeaver, or any other tool you prefer.
## Step 5: Prepare Test Data (Optional)
Preparing test data and setting up a custom process for importing it is a good practice to enhance development efficiency.
After creating the database tables, you can generate test data for each table based on the Model DSLs.
Send the Model DSLs to an AI chatbot and ask for help in generating test data for each table. Then, use the `yao run` command to execute the models.\* internal processes to import the test data.
### π¬ Prompts for Generating Test Data
_This is an example of a conversation with an AI chatbot to generate Model DSL for a pet store application. Change the prompts according to your requirements._
Model DSLs:
[Model DSLs]
- I have created the database tables based on the Model DSLs.
- I need help generating test data for each table.
- Please provide me with the test data for each table.
- I will use the **yao run** command to import the test data.
- The command is **yao run models..Insert '::["field_name_1","field_name_2",...]' '::[[field_1_value, field_2_value, ...],[field_1_value, field_2_value, ...]]'**.
- The "::" is used to pass the JSON string as an argument.
- The WIDGET_ID is the widget ID of the model. it's named from the Table name in the Model DSL. table name pet_categories with widget ID pet.categories table name pets with widget ID pets
- DO NOT INCLUDE the ID field in the test data.
- BE CAREFUL the FOREIGN KEY fields SHOULD be valid.
- EACH TABLE SHOULD have at least 3 records.
### π€ _Reply from AI Chatbot_
The AI chatbot will generate the test data, and the reply will look like this:
# Pet Categories
yao run '::["category_name","description"]' '::[
["Dogs", "Domesticated carnivorous mammals that typically have a long snout and barking voice."],
["Cats", "Small domesticated carnivorous mammals with soft fur and retractable claws."],
["Birds", "Warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and wings."]
# pets
yao run models.pets.Insert '::["pet_name","category_id","age","breed","description"]' '::[
["Buddy", 1, 3, "Golden Retriever", "Friendly and energetic dog."],
["Whiskers", 2, 2, "Siamese", "Curious and playful cat."],
["Tweety", 3, 1, "Canary", "Bright yellow songbird."]
# ....
### πΊ Import Test Data
After generating the test data, you can use the `yao run` command to import the test data into the database tables.
`yao run` command is used to execute a single process. This is useful for debugging custom processes.You can find how to use it in the π **[Debug Guide](debug-guide#run-a-process)**
Copy the generated `yao run` commands and paste them into the terminal to execute.
# Enter the project root directory,
# If multiple projects in your machine, ensure you are in the correct project directory.
cd /path/to/your/project
# Run the yao run command to import the test data
yao run models.pets.Insert '::["pet_name","category_id","age","breed","description"]' '::[
["Buddy", 1, 3, "Golden Retriever", "Friendly and energetic dog."],
["Whiskers", 2, 2, "Siamese", "Curious and playful cat."],
["Tweety", 3, 1, "Canary", "Bright yellow songbird."]
# ....
The correct output should look like this:
args[0]: ["category_name","description"]
args[1]: [
["Dogs", "Domesticated carnivorous mammals that typically have a long snout and barking voice."],
["Cats", "Small domesticated carnivorous mammals with soft fur and retractable claws."],
["Birds", "Warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and wings."]
-------------------------------------- Response
if there are any errors, report them to the AI chatbot for help, update the test data as needed, and repeat until successful.
### β
Check Imported Data
After importing the test data, you can use `yao run` to query the data and check if it was imported correctly. Of course, you can also use a database management tool to check the data.
# Enter the project root directory,
# If multiple projects in your machine, ensure you are in the correct project directory.
cd /path/to/your/project
# Run the yao run command to query the data
yao run models.pets.Get '::{}'
The correct output should look like this:
Run: models.pets.Get
args[0]: {}
models.pets.Get Response
"age": 3,
"breed": "Golden Retriever",
"category_id": 1,
"created_at": "2024-11-18 10:39:51",
"description": "Friendly and energetic dog.",
"id": 1,
"pet_name": "Buddy",
"updated_at": null
"age": 2,
"breed": "Siamese",
"category_id": 2,
"created_at": "2024-11-18 10:39:51",
"description": "Curious and playful cat.",
"id": 2,
"pet_name": "Whiskers",
"updated_at": null
"age": 1,
"breed": "Canary",
"category_id": 3,
"created_at": "2024-11-18 10:39:51",
"description": "Bright yellow songbird.",
"id": 3,
"pet_name": "Tweety",
"updated_at": null
## π Congratulations
You've successfully created the data model for your pet store application. This includes demonstrating Yao's basic operations: creating database tables, importing test data, and querying data.
Next, you'll learn how to develop RESTful APIs to expose data.
- π’ **Create and manage data in your application.**
- π΅ Develop RESTful APIs to expose data. π [REST API](rest-api)
- βͺ Design web pages to display data. π [Web Page](web-page)
- βͺ Build an admin panel to help administrators of the pet store manage data. π [Admin Panel](admin-panel)
- βͺ Create backend commands for task scheduling. π [CLI](cli)
- βͺ Integrate AI for chatbots, image generation, and enhanced user input. π [AI Integration](ai-integration)
For more on the data model, check out the π **[DSL References](references/dsl)**
In this section, everything can be generated by an AI chatbot. You can create an AI agent or tool for automatic generation using natural language. If you're interested in building such a tool, see the following resources:
π [Yao Playground](
π [Yao Application Generator](