Details of the Yao runtime APIs.
## Runtime APIs
| Documentation | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [Process](yao-runtime/process) | Executes a process, similar to the `yao run` command, to trigger workflows. |
| [FS](yao-runtime/filesystem) | Manages file system operations such as reading, writing, and modifying files. |
| [Store](yao-runtime/store) | Provides key-value store operations for efficient data storage and retrieval. |
| [Query](yao-runtime/query) | Performs database query operations for retrieving and manipulating data. |
| [Exception](yao-runtime/exception) | Defines and manages exceptions for handling errors and custom error messages. |
| [http](yao-runtime/http) | Handles HTTP requests and responses for communication between services. |
| [time](yao-runtime/time) | Provides time-based functions like `time.After` and `time.Sleep` for delay and scheduling. |
| [console](yao-runtime/console) | Displays console output in the terminal for debugging and monitoring. |
| [log](yao-runtime/log) | Manages logging operations for tracking events, errors, and debugging information. |
| [atob](yao-runtime/atob) | Decodes a base64-encoded string to its original form. |
| [btoa](yao-runtime/btoa) | Encodes a string to base64 format. |