This section offers a quick overview of a common debugging approach in Yao. A brief look is enough, as it will be used when building a simple application later.
## Run a Process
The `yao run` command is used to execute a single process. This is useful for debugging custom processes.
You can execute a single process to display the result in the console.
- The process runs on the server side.
- The console output appears in the terminal, not in the browser.
yao run # Return Yao version information
yao run 1 '::{}' # Return a pet with id 1
yao run not.exist.Process # Return an error message
## Print Debug Information
For debugging processes, you can use `console.log` or the `log` object to output debug information in your scripts.
For more information, see the runtime references. š **[Runtime References](references/runtime)**
yao run scripts.test.Hello 'Yao!' # Returns 'Hello, Yao!'
yao run scripts.test.Pets cat # Returns a list of pets in the cat category.
import { Process, log } from "@yao/runtime";
* Say hello to someone
function Hello(name: string): string {
// Output debug information to console
console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);
// Output debug information to log
log.Debug(`Hello %s`, name);
return `Hello, ${name}!`;
* Get pets by category
function Pets(category?: string): Record {
category = category || "dog";
// Execute a models.* internal process, to get pets by category
const pets = Process("", {
select: ["id", "name"],
wheres: [{ column: "category", value: category }],
// Output debug information to console
console.Debug(`category: ${category}, pets:`, pets);
// Output debug information to log
log.Info(`category: %s, pets: %#v`, category, pets);
return pets;
## Check Logs
The default application log is stored in the `logs` directory. You can check the log files for more detailed information.
You can change the log location and level in environment variables.
For more information, see the App Configuration section.
š **[App Configuration](building-your-application/app-configuration)**